Singapore 57th NDP Visual Identity

Singapore NDP Committee
A logo identity for the National Day Parade (NDP) – an annual celebration of Singapore’s past, present, and progressive future. The 2021 parade was the first physical one since the pandemic started. In a time where one may feel isolated, the “Stronger Together SG57’’ identity was designed to remind Singaporeans that they are not alone, and that they are stronger together as a nation.

Visual identity 

The identity draws from the symbolism of the red ribbon, a connotation of human connection.The visuals of ‘57’ (Singapore’s 57th year of independence), two figures supporting each other, a heart, and five stars taken from the country’s flag are incorporated into the primary logo.

Expanded identity—The dynamic element of the logo also serves to expand it into various icons relevant to Singapore’s culture.

Nationwide implementation

The proposed identity was selected by the NDP 2023 Committee and subsequently adapted on their end for nationwide implementation.
